Friday, December 23, 2005

Two Wrongs...

...Don't make a right. Yet that is exactly what right-wing pundits are doing when they point to Bill Clinton's alleged use of warrantless searches in 1995. I say 'alleged', as Clinton did sign an exectuive order which states,

Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) [50 U.S.C. 1822(a)] of the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Act, the Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that section.

(Full Text of U.S.C. 1822 found HERE)

Section 2 states, unequivocally, that the AG can authorize physical searches without a warrant "...for the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information...." so long as the premises on which the search is conducted and all information gathered therein, are used "exclusively" by a foreign power.

It should be noted that in 2004 a "lone wolf" amendment was added to FISA. A 'lone'wolf is defined as a non-US person who engages in, or plans for,international acts of terrorism.

If Clinton did engage in an abuse of power as Bush has already admitted to doing, why didn't the Republican controlled Congress begin impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors? They could have surely gotten more traction out of such a proceeding than they did with consensual sex in the Oval Office, and he would have richly deserved whatever punishment was meted out by Congress

The upshot of this is that the President, under Title III and FISA can order warrantless searches against non-US citizens. The president does not, however, have carte blanche to order domestic surveillance of US citizens on US soil without a warrant. The Constitution trumps presidential perogative on this matter at every turn. And for those who have forgotten, the Constitution was established to protect US citizens from the abuses of power by the government, such as those perpetrated by Bush, regardless of the circumstances.

The remarkable lack of imagination shown by the conservative talking heads as they continue to point their grubby fingers at Clinton is indicative of just how indefensible Bush's actions are in this matter. Their shrill whining about how "Clinton did it too!" are nothing more than a vain attempt to distract from Bush's sins. But, Bush, having confessed to high crimes and misdemeanors in a nationally televised address makes it very difficult to put any polish on that turd. And if Clinton engaged in such an abuse of power, he should be have to pay the price. But a Republican controlled Congress seems to have chosen to ignore that particular sin, if it ever happened at all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A sad affair indeed...

On December 17, 2005, President Bush, in essence, confessd to high crimes and misdemeanors in a nationally televised speech. These high crimes and misdemeanors involve the authorization of domestic surveillance operations to be conducted by the NSA.

Such operations, however are violations of federal law unless conducted under the auspices of Title III and FISA which,

“shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance ... and the interception of domestic wire and oral communications may be conducted.”

In other words, in the absence of Congressional action (in the form of legislation), President Bush lacked the authority to order such operations. Despite Administration claims that S.J. Resolution 23 of 9/14/01, authorizing military action in Afghanistan, grants the President the authority to conduct such operations, there is no language contained in the resolution that may even be construed as granting such authority.

These actions are an affront to, and violation of, the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution which states,

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This abuse of power by President Bush, for that is what it point in mincing words...If left unchallenged and unchecked, will be be our undoing. Previous actions of this Administration have sorely tested the Cosntitutional underpinnings of this Republic. If these abuses of power are not Constitution will not be worth the match it would take to burn it. After all, President Bush has, by some accounts, described the Constitution as nothing more than "...A goddamned piece of paper...".

The truly appaling thing though, is not the brazen manner in which the President has attempted to place himself above the law, but that it seems so many will so cravenly acquiesce to this unwarranted and illegal invasion of their lives. Particularly when so many of those individuals have decried the intrusion of "big government" into their lives in the past. This craven acceptance of unbridled power is an insult to the sacrifices made in defense of liberty by every American from the Revolutionary War to the present day. And to those who willingly, even cheerfully, accept this abuse of power, I say, "Line up. Your yokes and shackles await you."

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The War on Christmas...

...IS a canard perpetrated by right wing-nuts who lack the ability to engage in any sort of substantive debate about more pressing issues.

First, in 1921, it was Henry Ford proclaiming a war on Christmas was part of a world-wide Jewish conspiracy to subvert Christmas, Easter and other Christian holy-days. This was described in his tract "The International Jew".

In 1959, the John Birch Society changed things a bit. Instead of a world-wide Jewish conspiracy to subvert Christian ideals in America, a Communist plot to "Drive Christ out of Christmas..." was proclaimed by the Birchers. And the key player in this assault on Christmas was "...the Godless UN...".

Nowadays, we have right-wing waterheads like Bill O'Reilly, John Gibson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al, revealing a new enemy out to destroy Christmas and Christian ideals. It's (GASP!) SECULAR HUMANISTS! These Godless heathens are out to remove every last shred of Christianity from America...Not that it's really going to happen.

Christianity has greater enemies within its own ranks though. From the snake-oil salesmen touting their cheesy "prosperity theology" to the televangelists preaching to the enthralled masses in their glitzy mega-churches, these have done more to undermine Christ's message than any "secular humanist" conspiracy. Instead of servants teaching the word of Christ to those who come seeking His comfort, these "preachers" have created their own cults of personality dedicated more to their own self-aggrandizement than Christ's message. The secular power they have gained from a religious base has stripped them of their humility before God and, as a result, the message they preach is not God's, it is their own.

So, before folks go pointing fingers at "secular humanists" for a non-existent war on Christmas, perhaps they should look to themselves as the cause, rather than the cure, of their percieved undermining of Christian ideals.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Have they no shame?

$51 billion in budget cuts affecting, primarily, the neediest among us? $60 billion in tax cuts affecting, primarily, the wealthiest among us? What is Congress thinking? And who are they working for?...Because it's surely not their constituents.

That tax cuts would even be considered in a time of war, with the Bush administration's support, indicates the true level of concern shared by the Congressional leadership and the White House for the "war on terrorism"...Very little indeed. Should we not be sharing, in some small way, the sacrifices our troops are making as they have been sent into harm's way? Can we not pay, in the form of higher taxes, to support the war effort? Instead Congress and the Administration choose to borrow from foreign governments thus weakening our position abroad as well as putting our economic future at risk.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40

Words which our nominally Christian leadership in Congress and the White House would do well to remember.

Yet again, Congressional leadership has failed their constituents, their office and the Constitution. They should be ashamed of themselves. They have much to be ashamed of.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

An Update...

Regarding my previous post, it was a straight party line vote, with only one Republican voting for the amendment, that being Senator Chafee of Rhode Island.

The only way this administration is going to be held accountable for its crimes is when there is a democratic majority in both houses of Congress, although, at this point I'm not sure even then.

For the breakdown on the vote, go HERE

Jeeeezus! What a fucking creep-show...!

Just when you though they couldn't sink any lower...At about 12:10 Eastern Time, the senate killed S.AMDT.2476, also known as the "Dorgan Amendment". This amendment, introduced by Senator Byron Dorgan(D-ND), to the 2006 defense authorization bill would have established a commission to investigate contractot fraud, abuse and war profiteering In Iraq.

It would have used, as its template, the Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, the Truman Committee, of WW II. As we all know, this committee saved US taxpayers what would have amounted to billions in current US dollars. But rather than do the right thing this amendment was defeated, Yea: 44, Nay:53. I don't know the breakdown of the vote, But I would be more than willing to bet that it was along party lines. The last vote I heard was that of Senator Bill Frist, who (SURPRISE!) voted against it. A call to Senator Mike DeWine's office, Republican Senator from Ohio and my Senator, voted "NO" also.

What is the Reublican Senate leadership afraid of? Are they worried about their connections to the various contractors being revealed? If they've violated no laws or Senate ehtics rules, What do they have to worry about? What don't they want revealed? WE, THE PEOPLE... have a right to know how our taxpayer dollars were misused, wasted and/or stolen. There has still been no accounting of the $8.8 billion that went missing during Proconsul Bremer's tenure in Iraq.

Call you Senator and demand an accounting...NOW!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Well!...The nerve!...

"This is an affront to me personally," an angry Mr. Frist said.

He said would find it difficult to trust Mr. Reid any longer.

"It's an affront to our leadership," Mr. Frist said. "It's an affront to the United States of America. And it is wrong." - The New York Times

Watching Senator Bill Frist have his little hissy fit yesterday, one almost expected him to go flouncing off in a huff. One could almost hear the rustle of crinoline and the clack of high-heels. I never realized he was such a drama queen.

The true effrontery though lies in the failure of Congress to maintain any level of oversight of President Bush and his administration. Unbid contracts to Haliburton and it subsidiaries in Iraq...Ignored. $8.8 billion gone missing in Iraq under pro-consul J. Paul Bremmer...Also ignored. Violations of US and intenational law as well as the Geneva Conventions draws not a whisper from the Republican controlled Congress. More recently, the failures of FEMA under the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of Hurricane Katrina are ignored. And again, unbid contracts are awarded to Haliburton and its subsidiaries for Gulf Coast reconstruction...One can hear crickets chirping in the halls of Congress.

So, Senator Frist, take your self-righteous indignation...fold it five ways...and place it firmly where the sun never shines. You might have a hard time getting it past your head though.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Another turd in the punchbowl...

"Under our system, a person is presumed innocent and is entitled to due process and a fair trial..." - George W. Bush, 10/28/2005

He failed to add, "Unless I say otherwise...". Just another act of duplicity and hypocrisy by the titular leader of the most corrupt and venal presidency in American history. Under "our system" Jose Padilla has been sitting in a military brig these last three years, held without charge and incommunicado. His right to due process was suspended, not by an act of Congress, but rather by an act of royal fiat by an imperial president...A president who sees himself and his administration as being above the law.

The indictment of "Scooter" Libby did not cow the President, you could see in his face and by his demeanor that he was deeply angry. Angered by the affrontery of a special prosecutor who had the affrontery to actually follow the letter and spirit of the law in applying it to his administration? Perhaps.

America is in the grips of a Constitutional crisis brought on by an administration brought about by an administration which, while paying lip service to the Constution and the rule of law, willing flouts the very same precepts. The outcome of "Scooter" Libby's trial will be key in determining whether or not we remain a Constitutional Republic, or become an oligarchy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The scum also rises...And it ain't pretty

The wheels are comin' off the cart boys and girls. What started out as an investigation into a game of "Gotcha!" by the White House has gone far beyond just "Scooter" Libby and Karl Rove. It's gone beyond the outing of Valerie Plame and who knew what...when.

What started as an investigation into apparent retaliation against Joe WIlson for questioning, publicly, the Bush administration's intelligence on WMD's in Iraq has swept up the members of the Iraq Working Group. Mr. FItzgerald has hauled many of the members of this group in for questioning. And what's coming out is an ugly picture indeed.

It would appear that the Administration's protests that Congress saw the same intelligence as the White House before ceding their Constitutional authority to wage war to the POTUS, are empty at best. It is becoming apparent that Congress and the American people only saw what the neo-con ideologues in the Administration wanted them to see. It is becoming readily apparent, even to those who refused to see it, that Congress and America were mislead into a war of agression on the basis of cooked, overstated and fabricated intelligence.

With this in mind, it is long past time for Congress to begin a Resolution of Inquiry into the actions of the Bush administration in the run up to the war in Iraq. High crimes and misdemeanors have been perpetrated against the citizens of this nation. It is the duty of every member of Congress to see that these crimes do not go unpunished. But many may fail to act for fear of a "Constitutional Crisis" that such action would precipitate. The Constitutional Crisis, however, is already upon us and failure of Congress to fulfill their oversight responsibilities will not just deepen the crisis, it will be the death of the Republic.

The Bush administration has grasped greedily for power from the moment the events of September 11th, 2001 came to pass, and it has now over-reached that grasp. It is the duty of Congress to correct this imbalance and restore the balance and separation of power between the three branches of government. If they fail to do so, then that duty falls to the American people. Failure on our part would bring an end to the vision laid out by the Founding Fathers over two centuries ago and it would be a tragedy of unimaginable proportion.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Inviting Ourselves to the Banquet

Since the Bush administration came to power, certain business and religious leaders have enjoyed unprecedented access to the halls of power. There they have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, having the ear of the POTUS and his cronies regarding decisions of national and world import.

Corporate interests have reaped huge benfits in the form of tax-breaks, regulatory reform, environmental legislation, unbid contracts, and the list goes on. Certain religious leaders have sought, and recieved goverment funds in the form of "Faith-Based initiatives". They have sought to restrict a woman's right to abortion, they have sought delays in the release of emergency contraception, they have pushed for the teaching of religious doctrine in our public schools in the for of "intelligent design".

In short, monied business interests and right-wing religious zealots are the driving forces behind our government now. As they feast at the banquet tables set out in the halls of power, they gorge themselves on wealth and power, all paid for by "We, the people...". These few interests guide the hands that hold the reigns of power, and "We, the people..." are left to fend for ourselves.

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Bearing these words from the Declaration of Independence in mind, dear readers, does it not seem that our elected leaders have long since forgotten that their power is derived from the consent of the governed?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

In serving the interests of a few, it seems that our elected leadership has forgotten the concept of the "general welfare" as outlined in the preamble of the Constitution?

As special interests gorge themselves on the wealth looted from America's treasury, it behooves us to invite ourselves to this banquet returning "We, the people..." to their rightful seat. In doing so, we will remind our elected officials that they rule by our consent, and not by right of birth, wealth, or divinity. Failing to do so will be a complete abdication of our responsibilities as citizens of the Republic, leading to our eventual enslavement to those interests which have no concern beyond their own accumulation of wealth and power.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Contract with America?

An anniversary passed recently, which went largely unremarked. Eleven years ago, Republicans came to the majority in Congress. Led by Newt Gingrich, these Republicans embraced a "Contract with America". The promise of rooting out corruption and restoring integrity and accountability to Congress was heady stuff indeed.

Since then, we have seen not only Congress, but also the White House, turn rotten at the core from the blatant corruption we see exemplified by the likes of Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Bob Ney, Karl Rove, and the list goes on. Abandoned is any pretext of adhering to the principles outlined in the "Contract":

# FIRST, require all laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply equally to the Congress;
# SECOND, select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse;
# THIRD, cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third;
# FOURTH, limit the terms of all committee chairs;
# FIFTH, ban the casting of proxy votes in committee;
# SIXTH, require committee meetings to be open to the public;
# SEVENTH, require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase;
# EIGHTH, guarantee an honest accounting of our Federal Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting.

There has been no oversight of, or attempts to hold accountable, either members of Congress or the Bush administration for their misdeeds. The "Contract" has been broken...The signatories, nearly 100 of whom still serve in the House, are forsworn. Instead of serving the American People, they choose to serve the monied interests which which fill their campaign war-chests.

With their promises and principles abandoned in the face of the twin temptations of power and money, our Congressional representatives, both Republican and Democrat, have become nothing more than pigs at the trough...A parliament of whores...A disgrace to the hopes and aspirations the Founding Fathers had for this nation. The time has come to sweep them all out with the rest of the trash and start afresh.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A "New Deal" for the Gulf Coast?

Not from the Bush administration. Instead, its the same unbid contracts going to the same contractors who failed so miserably in Iraq. Its the slash-and-burn economics that drives down the standard of living for all, especially for those at the bottom of the economic ladder. This was demonstrated by Bush's suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act and the refusal of James Sensenbrenner to consider legislation to exempt Katrina's victims from the new bankruptcy bill coming into effect in October. It is the refusal of the Bush administration to face fiscal reality and raise taxes to pay for the reconstruction effort, let alone the disasterous war in Iraq which has siphoned off more than $200 billion from the average American tax-payer, and cost us the lives of nearly 2000 American soldiers.

The Gulf Coast region does not need more of this. Instead, it requires the establishment of a Gulf Coast Re-development Authority, much like the Tennessee Valley Authority of Roosevelt's 'New Deal' era. This has been proposed already by Edward Kennedy. John Edwards has already proposed a program along the lines of FDR's WPA and CCC, to provide living wage jobs to the poor and those displaced the hurricane in order to rebuild the Gulf Coast region. Dennis Kucinich, Stephanie Tubbs Jones brought together 88 co-sponsors for a similar proposal in the House.

Why then have we not heard more about these, and other, proposals? Simply this...the amassing of wealth and power in the hands of a few has taken precedence over "...promoting the general welfare..." as established in the Constitution. Hurricane Katrina has put the spotlight on this issue in a way that cannot be ignored. And it has sorely damaged the credibility of the American government, both at home and abroad, with regards to not only its ability, but its very desire, to protect all Americans. Is this what our Founding Father's envisioned for the nation they fought, and died, to bring into being?...I think not.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It seems that the Bush administration has chosen to ignore the Preamble, and much else, of the Constitution and what it has to say about the duties and responsibilities of government. This administration has, in its arrogance, forgotten that it governs only by the consent of the governed and the time is coming where that consent will be withdrawn.

So instead of pursuing the same course of action with the expectation of a different result, isn't it time we followed a path which shown its efficacy? FDR's New Deal gives us the example we need...A humane path which gives everyone a chance to rebuild their lives, rather than merely lining the pockets of a few.

For more on this, read Will Greider's article:

A 'New' New Deal

Saturday, September 17, 2005

FOX News: Mouthpiece of America's Right-Wing Nuts

I was channel surfing this morning when I stumbled across a segment on "Fox & Friends". The segment consisted of a rather bombastic, chunky white guy, in an expensive suit, ranting about the 9th Circuit Courts decision regarding "...One nation under God..." in the Pledge of Allegiance. Among his assertions was the patently false claim that America was founded on Christian ideals. Had that been the case, the Founding Fathers would have explicitly written such ideology into the Constitution, but they did not. The Constitution is far more closely related to the Magna Carta that to Biblical scripture, particularly with regards to the limits placed on governmental intrusion into the lives of individual citizens.

I wonder...did they devote an entire segment of the show to Jose Padilla when the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ruled that the Bush Administration had the authority to indefinitely detain American citizens without charge, without access to counsel, and incommunicado, in complete contravention of the US Constitution? Where was the outrage then? This ruling allows the Administration to hold any US citizen without charge for any amount of time, with no access to anyone outside their place of imprisonment...A complete dismissal of habeas corpus and the foundations for a police state.

The Republic is dead. And its death went unremarked. This is how the Holocaust began...This is how tyranies arise. Weep America, for the dream of our Founding Fathers has been murdered...In the name of the freedoms they fought and died for.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Dubbyuh plays at being presidential...

After claiming he accepted responsibility, well...sort of, like a nine year old apologizing for some minor transgression, for the failures in the wake Hurricane Katrina earlier this week, his wooden delivery and "deer-in-the-headlights" demeanor fell flat tonight.

His speech was disingenuous, at best. With a state of emergency declared in Louisiana on 8/26, Mississippi and Alabama following suite on 8/27 and 8/28 respectively, Dubbyuh continued his round of photo-ops and set pieces. Condi-mima went to a Broadway play and bought $3,000 shoes at Ferragamo's in NYC. Darth Cheney closed on a $3 million mansion in St. Micaels, Maryland.

Despite his claims of seeking to aid the poor and displaced in the area, I noticed that he utterly failed to change his position on his suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act. For those of you unfamiliar with its provisions, all federal government construction contracts and most contracts for federally assisted construction over $2,000 must include provisions for paying workers on-site no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits paid on similar projects. The key words here are "prevailing wages", not union scale. And in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, the prevailing wages for construction workers and other trade workers are far below those found in more affluent areas of the country. How can people be expected to get back on their feet If they can't make a living wage? But like father, like son...Poppy suspended the Act in 1992 after Hurricane Andrew devastated large swathes of Florida. And, ever consistent, unbid contracts have been awarded to Haliburton, and other campaign contributors for the clean-up and rebuilding efforts. We can clearly see how well that has worked in Iraq.

We have one sacrificial lamb already throw to the angry mobs in the form of Michael Brown, erstwhile head of FEMA. Castigated for his failure to set the wheels of the relief effort rolling, he tendered his resignation on Monday. Dubbyuh stated that he put no pressure on "Brownie" and thought he was doing just splendidly...wink, wink, nudge, nudge. But apparently, It was Michael Chertoff who had the authority to call out the relief effort. When will he resign, I wonder?

Dubbyuh wants to discuss disaster planning with state and local governments...Golly, hasn't he had four years to do that? In December 2003, Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8 was produced. It was meant to address "threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies"...I thnk we all see what happened there...Nothing...Nada...Zip. Following in December 2004, the National Response Plan surfaced. It was "an all-discipline, all-hazards plan that establishes a single, comprehensive framework for the management of domestic incidents,"...Again, we get bupkis.

If I remember correctly, Dubbyuh promised to keep America safe, and ready to respond to any crisis on our shores, as part of his election campaign in '04. But as we can see, as with so amny other things, Dubbyuh is "...all hat and no cattle...". He campaigned as a man of integrity, yet all he and his cronies have given us is smoke and mirrors. He has aided and abetted the looting of America's treasury while spilling its greatest treasure, the blood of our men and women in uniform, in an illegal and unjust war.

If he had any shame at all, he would resign. But he, like the rest of his merry band, is shameless.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Jesus...What a creep show...

I was watching CNN this morning, an interview with Mike Allen...Washington Post alumnus and now Time Magazine's White House correspondent. He seemed much less like a journalist and more like a hesitant apologist for the Bush administration. He was spouting the usual watered down talking points when he blurted out something about Dubbyuh insisting on accountability for what happened or, more appropriately, didn't happen in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.

At that point, I felt a terrible anger well up inside me. Since when has George W. Bush, his administration or anyone associated with his administration, been held accountable?...FOR ANYTHING!?! How could Mr. Allen even make that assertion given the track record of Dubbyuh and his gang of thugs?

Accountability is the LAST thing Dubbyuh and his administration want. A full accounting will place responsibilty for the failures after Katrina squarely on the doorstep of the Bush administration and its cronies. But responsibility is something they are very good at dodging.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Hmmmmm...I wonder...

I wonder why whenever anyone criticizes Dubbyuh and his merry band for their belated responses to hurricane Katrina, they're accused of playing "...the blame game..."? But whenever anyone criticizes state and local officials for said belated response, no such complaints arise.

Why is it that the governors of Alabama and Mississippi aren't also being taken to task by the Bush administration for the belated response to the hurricane's aftermath? Could it be because both states have REPUBLICAN governors?

The sad fact of the matter is that the Administration is simply trying to cover its collective political ass by placing the blame elsewhere. Like an alcoholic family, they are trying to place responsibility for the problems and suffering they cause anywhere but where it their own doorstep. Never mind that top level management at FEMA is populated by nothing more than a bunch of sniveling, syncophantic political hacks. "We didn't do anything...", they whine. Which is precisely the point...They did nothing, and thousands of Americans died ON AMERICAN SOIL! And they boasted that Dubbyuh and his merry band have made America more secure. Forgive my incredulity.

Here is the timeline for the disaster:

Bush Disaster Timeline

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Junior Contemplates His Navel

The idea of Dubbyuh heading an invetigation into "What went right and what went wrong..." in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina is problematic on several levels, not the least of which being that alcoholics are seldom given to introspection.

"Alcoholic...?" you say. "Didn't Dubbyuh swear off booze years ago?" you ask. Yes, DUbbyuh found Jesus and swore off demon rum. However, having done so, he never dealt with the underlying issues that lead him to drink in the first place. Nor has the issue of the permanent cognitive impairments resulting from decades of dedicated substance abuse been addressed. Dubbyuh is an untreated common parlance, a dry drunk.

We can see the evidence of this in his obsessive physical exercise...his grandiose behavior...his rigid and judgemental worldview...his impatience...his childish and irresponsible behavior...his projection...his irrational rationalizations.

It is also common for alcoholics, both active and 'dry', to seek to place blame anywhere but upon themselves, and this has been a defining characteristic not only of this Bush administration, but also of George W. Bush in general. What passes as introspection and self-examination in this population is nothing more than an ongoing quest to dodge responsibility for the consequences of their actions. It can be safely assumed that any investigation by Dubbyuh and his administration into the failures following hurricane Katrina will yield a similar result. Blame will be laid everywhere but where it the doorstep of the White House.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Unintended Consequences

The overturning of "Roe v. Wade" would have many unintended consequences beyond simply making if even more difficult, if not impossible, to obtain a safe, legal abortion in this country. By rejecting the core of "Roe v. Wade", that some issues are too private and personal to be subjected to governmental intrusion, a whole, ghastly can of worms is opened.

...Roe v. Wade is at the core of American jurisprudence, and its multiple strands of reasoning concerning marital privacy, medical privacy, bodily autonomy, psychological liberty and gender equality are all connected to myriad other cases concerning the rights of parents to rear their
children, the right to marry, the right use contraception, the right to have children, and the right torefuse unwanted medical treatment... - United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary: The Consequences of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, June 23, 2005

It was in 1965 that state laws against contraception were struck down by the SCOTUS in "Griswold v. Connecticut" as being unconstitutional invasions of the privacy of married couples. This precedent was extended to unmarried persons only in 1971. The right to privacy established in "Griswold v. Connecticut" served as the basis for "Roe v. Wade".

This right to privacy extends to all areas of life, including the right to make medical decision...the right to decide whether or not to have children...the right of a terminally ill patient to refuse medical care...All are rooted in this same concept of privacy. Overturn "Roe v. Wade" and this entire fabric will unravel. A paternalistic and overbearing government steps in and makes these decisions, regardless of the wishes of the individual.

Should "Roe v. Wade" be overturned, women will no longer be the misstresses of their own lives and fates. Unable to make the determination as to whether they wish to get, or be, pregnant, the state will make that decision for them. They will once again be relegated to the status of second class citizens.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Junior's Summer Vacation

At his Texas Versailles, Dubbyuh does little more than spout platitudes to the families of thoise who have lost loved ones in Iraq.

"We will stay the course; we will complete the job in Iraq."

Cold comfort to those whose loved ones died in the service of their country in pursuit of dubious goals. Too little, too late for those whose courage, honor and belief in their country has been made a mockery of by this president.

Cindy Sheehan is one such person. The founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, she stands vigil outside Dubbyuh's Texas hide-away waiting for answers from the president who sent her son to die for a cause now known to be false. WMD's were the casus beli, since shown to be nothing more than the product of cherry-picked, over spun and fabricated intel.

Apparently, Junior has better things to do than to provide an honest answer to Mrs. Sheehan, and the rest of the country. There's alot of brush to be cleared down there on the ranch, they must be flying in C-130's loaded with it, and Junior is simply too busy dealing with that critical issue. Instead, he sends a couple of underlings to speak with Mrs. Sheehan.

The other reason, and a far more likely one in my humble opinion, is that Junior is little more than a spineless worm who is all too willing to sacrifice others (especially if they can't afford the price tag that accompanies his pay to play administration) to achieve his goals. So, neither Mrs. Sheehan nor America can expect any answers from Junior or his playmates any time soon.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

'Turd-Blossom' in Deeper Shit

IN the ongoing saga of Karl Rove and the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent more turds keep rising to the surface of this punch-bowl than you can shake a stick at.

Something many defenders of 'Turd-Blossom' seem to forget in their fervor is that on July 30, 2003, the CIA filed a "crime report" regarding this matter. This, essentially, referrs the matter to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.

They also seem to remain willfully ignorant of the fact that Brewster Jennings & Associates, the CIA front company that Ms. Plame listed as her official employer, was severely comromised and other CIA officers who used the company as a front were also compromised. Whether this has led to the loss of life as these operations were rolled up remains to be seen.

According to Larry Johnson, a former CIA official, Ms. Plame was also operating under NOC or, non-official cover. This meant that Ms. Plame when traveling abroad under a non-diplomatic passport, could have been arrested as a foreign agent and been executed by a regime hostile to US interests.

Contrary to the assertions of some that Ms. Plame was nothing but a "file-clerk, Vincent Cannistraro, former CIA counter-terrorism operations chief, has stated differently. He has stated that Ms. Plame ran NBC non-proliferation operations, recruiting agents to seek out information on NBC proliferation. Information which would be particularly useful to the US

Many of 'Turd-Blossom's' supporters also cite the narrowly worded "Intelligence Identities Protection Act" which makes it a federal crime to intentionally reveal any information identifying an undercover operative. They claim that he didn't reveal her name, and only referred to her as "Joe Wilson's wife". This is simply the poorest sort of sophisty and hair-splitting. And even if 'Turd-Blossom' did not commit a crime under the letter of this law, he certainly violated its spirit. But there are other laws which may have been broken, not the least of which is " The Espionage Act of 1917". And there is also the little matter of Turd-Blossom's violation of the "Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement" he signed as a condition of employment and which he violated by disclosing Ms. Plame's identity.

But this case goes deeper than just the revelation of a CIA operative's name in pursuit of political payback. It goes to the heart of the Administration's justicfications for the war with Iraq and threatens to send that already teetering house of cards crashing to the ground.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

'Turd-blossom'in Deep Shit

In the White House Regular Press Briefing of July 11th, 2005, White House Press Secretary Puffy McMoonface, aka Scott McClellan, aka Chummy McSharkbait, was savaged by a gang of real reporters who were secretly substituted for the White House press corps. The subject of the reporters questioning was Karl Rove and the statements made by Puffy and Dubbyuh regarding an ongoing criminal investigation. This was, of course, before they figured out they'd been caught in a lie and decided not to comment on an ongoing criminal investigation.

It was October 10th, 2003. I another press briefing, Puffy stated that neither Rove nor 'Scooter' Libby were involved. Nor, he added was Elliot Abrams. Sounds like a comment about an ongoing criminal investigation to me.

And wasn't it Dubbyuh who said:

If there's leaks out of my administration, I want to know who it is, and if the person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of.

However, the pattern of Dubbyuh's Administration is to reward failure. After all, Condi ignored the PDB which stated "Osama bin Laden seeks to attack the US", and lookit where she is now...Secretary of State an' all. And then there was George Tenet who got us into a war based on cooked intel. He got a Presidential Medal of Freedom. And so did J. Paul Bremmer, who managed to lose $9 billion in taxpayer money in Iraq.

For a cock-up of this magnitude, Turd-blossom's reward will have to be pretty spectacular. Could a seat on the SCOTUS be in the offing?

For more on this little [packet of distracting weirdness, I offer the following links:

Puffy gets beaten like a gong The full transcript.

The main-stream media - Developing a backbone...At last

Just how serious is Dubbyuh about the 'War on Terror'?

All indictions to date are that he's not at all serious. After 9/11, Dubbyuh went all cowboy sheriff and made alot of noise about wanting Osama bin Laden "...Dead or Alive...". Just a few months later, in March of 2002, Dubbyuh flip-flopped and said. "I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. - White House Press Conference, 5/13/02

During that March press conference, Dubbyuh was already making noises about the "threat " posed by Saddam Hussein. Also, in July of 2002, Dubbyuh, without notifying Congress as the post-9/11 appropriations bill required him to do , diverted some $700 million dollars from the operational fund for Afghanistan to fund operations against Iraq. This was concurrent with the stepped up bombing of targets in Iraq, again without notifying Congress.

On the homefront, Dubbyuh and his merry band contiue seeking to make the tax-cuts beneffiting the wealthiest 1% of Americans permanent...This in a time of war. Shouldn't we be raising taxes to fund ongoiing military oprerations? But no, he'd rather borrow from foreign lenders to support his foreign military adventurism. Cuts in funding to first -responders, fire, police and EMS personnel, continue unabated. Funding for sea-port security remains far below what is needed. Nuclear power plants and petro-chem facilites remain large, soft targets, particularly since the Chemical Facilities Security Act of 2003 died in committee.

So, just how serious is Dubbyuh about the war on terror...? Not very. It just gets trotted out with "Remember 9/11!" when his poll numbers sag.

Friday, July 08, 2005

"...defeat them abroad before they attack us at home..."

Yesterdays bombings in London gave the lie to that premise. Rather than acting as "flypaper", Iraq has become a training ground for terrorists which is second to none. It exceeds the wildest wet dreams that Osama bin Laden had for training operations in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

In a report from January 2005, the National Intelligence Council stated, "...a training ground, a recruitment ground, the opportunity for enhancing technical skills...". While no firm numbers on Iraqi insurgents killed are available, it seems likly that the casualties are doing little more than culling the less capable members and giving rise to more highly trained, experienced, motivated and capable terrorist operatives than have been seen in recent memory. These operatives, particularly the foreign nationals fighting alongside Iraqi nationals, are then able to exfiltrate from Iraq and carry the skills they have acquired there around the world.

To think that we will "...defeat them abroad before they attack us at home..." is at best, pollyanish wishful thinking. At worst it is a gross understatement of the threat to both this nation and the world at large. Let us hope our leaders outgrow such foolishness before we pay the price on our shores...again.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dubbyuh's Special Day

On July 4th, Dubbyuh gave a speech in Morgantown, WV. Of course, this speech was given before a hand-picked audience of approved ticket holders...No subversives or hecklers allowed.

In his speech Dubbyuh reached back in history, a subject he knows little about, and brought forth the memory of the struggles of the Founding Fathers and their strugle for independence. He compared and contrasted this with the current struggle of the Iraqi people. And, I must confess the analogy is interesting.

In 1776, a band of American insurgents rose up, and with the support of some foreign governments and a few foreign troops...Fought, bled and died, in order to finally expell and occupying army from American soil. Indeed, circumstances in Iraq are strikingly similar.

In Iraq, an insurgency has arisen in order to expell occupying foreign troops from Iraqi soil. They also have the support of some foreign nations with about 5% of the manpower for the insugency being compromised of foreign troops. But the occupying military is compromised, primarily of US troops.

On the surface, Dubbyuh's analogy seems appropriate, but when looking at the context it is wholly inappropriate. In launching a war of aggression against Iraq based on questionable pretenses and intel fabricated from whole cloth, the Bush administration has betrayed the struggle of Americans in the Revolutionary war. They have betrayed the ideals of the Founding Fathers. They have betrayed the Constitution they swore to uphold and defend.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Illegal...And They Knew it.

We have the Downing Street Minutes and their associated documents.

We have revelations of a bombing campaign called 'Southern Focus' began in June of 2002, which involved over 21,000 sorties against targets in Iraq. Please note this began while the administration was denying the inevitability of war, and some five months before the Administration asked Congress for the authority to begin military operations in Iraq.

And we have this forgotten story...War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal

In November of 2003, Richard Perle, one of the architects of Bush Administration policy towards Iraq, stated of the invasion of Iraq:

I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing.

Richard Perle admitted the invasion of Iraq was illegal. At the urging of George W. Bush and members of his cabinet, America embarked on a war of aggression in violation of US and international law. They are thus liable for proscecution under that law. It is time we did so.

Monday, June 27, 2005

A word on Karl Rove...

Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers... - Karl Rove, 6/22/2005

Liberal that I am, I simply cannot understand Mr. Rove's remarks. After 9/11, I knew someone was going to get the sharp end of the stick...I wanted that to happen, and I don't know of anyone who didn't. I challenge Mr. Rove, or anyone else for that matter, to produce JUST ONE person, liberal or conservative, who voiced the point of view he described. In making such remarks, Mr. Rove slandered the memory of those who perished on that day...He slandered everyone who watched in horror as the planes slammed into the Towers and stood overwhelmed by the tragedy as the Towers collapsed...He slandered the families who lost loved ones to this monstrous tragedy

More important though is that the question as to why Mr. Rove chose to raise the spectre of 9/11 has gone begging. The answer is quite simple...The President's poll numbers continue to slide towards the tipping point...Iraq is sliding towards disintigration...The Downing Street Minutes continue to hound the president, and references to 9/11 are attempt to revive the fears 9/11 raised. Well guess what Mr. Rove...We're not afraid anymore! We've accepted the fact that the world is a dangerous place, and that danger can reach our shores.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Laming of the President...

Here it is, June nearly over...Dubbyuh's poll numbers sinking like a rock...His social security "reform" legislation DOA...Republicans jockeying for position in '08...Bolton's nomination ground to a halt. It sounds as if Dubbyuh has become a the lamest of ducks. Not the legacy he had planned.

Things could have been different if he'd actually used the put the faith America placed in him after 9/11 to good use. Instead he focused on the politics of polarization and divisiveness. He worked to concentrate power in the hands of the Republican majority in Congress rather than working to form a bipartisan coalition that could actually accomplish something.Instead, he and his advisors chose to brand any who opposed them as "unpatriotic" and "traitors".

He squandered the goodwill extened to the US by the rest of the world after 9/11 in a foolish, wrongheaded and illegal invasion of Iraq. A war which few Americans now support and one which is gutting our all voluteer military and enfeebling it to the point that it may not be able to adequately deal with any other threat to national security. In the course of that war, the attrocities committed at Abu Ghraib in Iraq, Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, GITMO and elswhere shredded the remaining fabric of US credibility abroad. They also served as potent for the recruiting ot the terrorists the Administration claims to be fighting.

This Administration may yet go down as one of the greatest failures of a presidency in American history. We can only hope that the next president, regardless of party or ideology, will be able to pick up the pieces and restore the standing of the office as well as America's standing with the world.

Dubbyuh is fast heading towards irrelevancy as congressional Republicans look beyond 2008 and to their own political fortunes and the risks that will come from riding Dubbyuh's tattered coat-tails. It can't come soon enough.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A "Generational committment..." ?

That's what Condi Rice said of the US commitment in Iraq. This stands in stark contrast to Dick Cheney's assessment in March of 2003 that:

...we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. . . . I think it will go relatively quickly, . . . (in) weeks rather than months.

Or Rummy's statement in February of 2003 that:

It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.

And, let's not forget OMB Director Mitch Daniels' rosy outlook, also in March of 2003:

The United States is committed to helping Iraq recover from the conflict, but Iraq will not require sustained aid.

We all now know that these optimistic or, more appropriately - unrealistic, estimates were nothing more than whistling past the graveyard. Yet the administration, refusing to accept the estimates of its commanders on the ground continues to cheerily assert that the insurgency in Iraq is in its "last throes". According to General William Webster, the US commander for Baghdad,

Certainly saying anything about 'breaking the back' or 'about to reach the end of the line' or those kinds of things do not apply to the insurgency at this point.

This administration has been so wrong on so many things about Iraq, not the least of which includes the lack of post-war planning cited in the Downing Street Minutes and other documents. Can we really trust their myopic, rose-colored assessment of conditions there now?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A New Look at an Old Letter

March 18, 2003

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

Consistent with section 3(b) of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243), and based on information available to me, including that in the enclosed document, I determine that:

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic and other peaceful means alone will neither (A) adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq nor (B) likely lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and

(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.



This is the text of the letter sent by Dubbyuh to Congress on the eve of the invasion of Iraq. It is important to review this in light of the new informatuion which has surfaced in the form of the Downing Street Minutes and other documents.

With regards to paragraph 1, the Downing Street Minutes clearly state that:

Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran.

Saddam was, in essence, no threat to his neighbors, let alone the US or the UK. Furthermore, Peter Rricketts stated that the pace of Saddam's weapons programs was not changed nor, according to the 2002 IAEA Fact Sheet on Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

There were no indications that there remains in Iraq any physical capability for the production of amounts of weapons-usable nuclear material of any practical significance.

In other words, there would have been no smoking gun in the form of a "mushroom cloud" as Condi Rice was so fond of stating. And, as we now know, there were no weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq.

As for Paragraph 2, using Public Law 107-243 to justify military action against Iraq is probelmatic in and of itself. Especialy since several of the premises it is based on are unfounded. First and foremost being that Saddam's regime was a supporter of Al Qaeda, and thus partly responsible for the attacks on 9/11. No credible evidence of any such connection has been produced. Other terrorist organizations, which may have had dealings with Saddam, seems to be greatly exaggerated. Saddam did support Abu Nidal in the early eighties. The last act of anti-American terroism that can be linked to Saddam was in 1993. After that there was no act of international terrorism that could be directly linked to Iraq. While there are those who contend that Iraq provided substantial support to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists, far greater support came from Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations supported by the US government.

There is little to directly support the contentions in this letter that support military action against Iraq. The Bush administration was intent on the removal of Saddam Hussein from the beginings of the first Bush administration. 9/11 was merely the lever the Administration used to move Congress to give the president the authority to invade Iraq, and the ceding of that Congressional authority to the President is problematic in and of itself.

And as for the UN resolutions regarding Iraq, it is clear from the Downing Street Minutes that the Bush administration had already decided the UN was to be circumvented. The goal was to try to use the UN a tool to justify war with Iraq rather than an instrument of peace.

The NSC had no patience with the UN route...

Saturday, May 28, 2005


George W. Bush and his gang of neocon warmongers have destroyed America’s reputation. It is likely to stay destroyed, because at this point the only way to restore America’s reputation would be to impeach and convict President Bush for intentionally deceiving Congress and the American people in order to start a war of aggression against a country that posed no threat to the United States.

While I'd like to take credit for writing this, I can't. Props to Paul Craig Roberts A Reagan Republican with a long and distinguished career. Mr. Roberts has taken a stand in opposition to the war in Iraq from its inception and finds the blindness towards the egregious lies and abuses perpetrated by the Bush administration to be intolerable.

How much longer will we tolerate these lies and abuses? How long before the young men and women who have died for the lies of the Bush administration are vindicated by the impeachment ot this presindent and those who aided him in the formation and implementation of thes ruinous policies? Who much longer wil the blindly devoted supporters of the Bush administration remain blinded? How many more must die for a lie?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Dubbyuh's BIG Lie...

Congress has now authorized the use of force. I have not ordered the use of force. I hope the use of force will not become necessary. - George W. Bush, 9/16/02

These were Dubbyuh's words. Yet with the release of the "Downing Street" memo, it has become apparent that the Bush administration had already committed America to the pursuit of war.

On July 8, 2002, a meeting took place in London. Present were Tony Blair, Geoffrey Hoon, British secretary of defense; Jack Straw, British secretary of state; Lord Goldsmith, the attorney general; John Scarlett, head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, which advises Blair; Sir Richard Dearlove, also known as "C," the head of MI6 ; David Manning, Britain's national security adviser; Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, the chief of the Defense Staff ; Jonathan Powell, Blair's chief of staff; Alastair Campbell, director of strategy; and Sally Morgan, director of government relations.

At that meeting was discussed Dearlove's recent trip to Washington and the discussions which were held there. Nearly thre month's before Dubbyuh's October 16th satement, Dearlove had this to say:

C(Dearlove) reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

Contrary to his later statements, Dubbyuh had decided to go to war to remove Hussein from power. This action was to be justified by linking the concepts of WMD's with terrorism. But this would be a simple task in the US as a majority of Americans mistakenly believed that Hussein was responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center. The intell was being spun and wrung until it fitted the policy the administration chose to pursue. There was no patience amongst the neo-con chicken-hawks in the administration for allowing the UN to finish inspections and make its final report. And as for what happend after the invasion...well they apparently didn't find that to be an issue worthy of their deliberation.

Looking at events as they are now unfolding in Iraq, we now know that there were no WMD's...Hussein had no part of 9/11...There was no credible evidence of any ties between Saddam's regime and Al Qaeda...And we are reaping the bitter harvest of the Administration's lack of planning for a post-war Iraq. We see an intractable insurgency, which General Richard Meyer's says is undiminished from a year ago.

Since The Big Lie, more than 1600 US military men and women have gone to their deaths, not to mention the civilian contractors that have died. Nearly 15,000 soldiers and marines have been wounded...maimed...crippled for life. And then there are the Iraqi civilian casualties. Conservative estimates place the total at around 10,000 while others place them at over 20,000.

How many more must die for a lie?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Nuclear option defused...for now.

Last night, common sense prevailed, and Senate moderates including Senators Byrd, DeWine, Nelson, Lincoln, Landrieu, Lieberman, Salazar, Inouye, Warner, McCain, Snowe, Collins, Graham and Chafee, reached a compromise ont the issue of judiciak filibusters. Like all compromises, it is not perfect, and fails to satisfy the extreme elements on both sides of the argument. But the power to filibuster judicial nominees remains.

Unfortunately, as part of this compromise, Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown and William Pryor some of the most extreme right-wing of Dubbyuh's picks will be voted on.

James Dobson, of Focus On the Family, immediately put in his two-cents worth, claiming that,

This Senate agreement represents a complete bailout and betrayal by a cabal of Republicans and a great victory for united Democrats. Only three of President Bush’s nominees will be given the courtesy of an up-or-down vote, and it's business as usual for all the rest. The rules that blocked conservative nominees remain in effect, and nothing of significance has changed.

A "...complete bailout and betrayal..." by moderate Republicans. He further goes on to decry the judicial filibuster as "unconstitutional". How can anyone take seriously the man who 'outed' Sponge Bob Squarepants?

While not mentioned specifically in the Constitution, the filibuster has been used since 1841, with the only significant change to Senate rules on the matter coming in 1917, when the cloture rule was put into place. Since then, it has remained a powerful tool by minorities, on both sides of the Senate aisle, to further debate on a given issue or nomination, protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

More significantly though, is that moderate Republicans were willing to sidestep the Republican leadership in Congress that was pushing for the "nuclear option", especially Bill Frist. It was Frist, after all, who went contrary to the Administrations's desire to have John Bolton's nominaation brought to the floor before the judicial nominations. In doing so, he hoped to cement the support of religious far right-wing for a run for the White House in 2008. Now, however, he's been rolled and how much politcal capital he he has left with that raucus and fickle minority remains to be seen.

This can be seen as the first step in a return to common-sense and sanity in the Senate. Or, as I fear it will be, it can be seen as the first volley in a battle leading to further extremeism and polarization in the halls of Congress.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Don't like the rules...? Just Change 'em

With the battle over the filibuster heating up in the Senate, understanding a few of the Senate rules that Senator Frist's, and the Republican leadership, will be breaking in the "nuclear option" in its implementation.

Senate Rules and Precedents That Would be Broken Through Exercise of the Nuclear Option

Violation # 1. Rule V: The Senate must follow its Rules to amend its Rules
Paragraph 2 of Rule V states expressly that “Rules of the Senate shall continue from one Congress to the next Congress unless they are changed as provided in these Rules.” (emphasis added). The proposed nuclear option is a deliberate end-run around the Senate’s regular process (discussed below) for amending its own Rules because Senator Frist does not have the strong bipartisan support he needs in the current Senate to follow the regular order.

Violation # 2. Rule V: Suspending the Rules without amending them.
The Senate Rules provide expressly for the sole mechanism to suspend the Rules without amending them. Under Rule V, paragraph 1, the Senate may only suspend its Rules either by unanimous consent or by adopting a motion to suspend the Rules. Adoption of such a motion requires a 2/3 vote of Senators present.3 The nuclear option, by relying on a simple majority vote to change the Rules without changing the text (arguably a kind of suspension), clearly violates the 2/3 vote requirement.

Violation # 3. Rule XXII: Violating the process for changing the Senate’s Rules.
Paragraph 2 of Rule XXII establishes the requirements for ending debate on a proposed change to the Senate’s Rules. Under Rule XXII, a cloture petition signed by sixteen Senators must first be submitted to the Senate. The vote to invoke cloture (end debate) on amendment to the Rules cannot be held until 2 days after the cloture petition is filed, and the rule provides that 2/3 of Senators present and voting must consent to end debate.

Violation #4. Failing to submit a constitutional Point of order to the Senate.
Proponents of the nuclear option purport to justify their unprecedented approach by invoking the U.S. Constitution – to the point of trying to rename the nuclear option the “constitutional option.”4 Some have even argued that the filibuster of judicial nominations is unconstitutional, and that the Senate can therefore ignore its process for amending the Rules to eliminate it.5 Under long-established precedents of the Senate, when a point of order with an asserted constitutional basis is raised, the Chair does not rule on the point of order but instead submits it directly to the full Senate.6 However, such a point of order is debatable and it would take 60 votes to end debate on the constitutional point of order and bring it to a vote. Because it is not clear that Senator Frist has 51 votes for the nuclear option – much less 60 – it is likely that Vice President Cheney will rule directly on Frist’s “constitutional” point of order, violating Senate precedent.

Violation # 5. Rule XXII: Ending debate on a nomination.
The text of Paragraph 2 of Rule XXII expressly requires 60 Senators (3/5s of Senators duly chosen and sworn) to vote to end debate on “any measure, motion, other matter pending before the Senate,” including a judicial nomination. If the nuclear option is successful, and for the first time in our history Senators’ right to debate is ended by simple majority vote, this will constitute an express violation of Rule XXII’s 60 vote requirement. In essence, Rule XXII would be changed, but not in a manner provided by the Rules of the Senate.

Violation # 6. Overriding the Senate’s Parliamentarian
The Senate Parliamentarian is the officer charged with keeping the precedents of the Senate and advising the presiding officer of the Rules and precedents of the Senate if a point of order is raised from the floor. The current Parliamentarian, Alan Frumin, has worked for that office as either Parliamentarian or assistant Parliamentarian since 1977 under both Democratic and Republican majorities. It has been widely reported that the Senate Parliamentarian will advise the chair that any point of order to force a simple majority vote to end debate on a nominee would violate the Rules and precedents of the Senate. Therefore, for the nuclear option to succeed, the presiding officer, most likely Vice President Cheney in his role as President of the Senate, would have to ignore the advice of the Parliamentarian in ruling on a point of order. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, such an action would “constitute an extraordinary proceeding involving peremptory departure from the established system of Senate procedure.”7

Vice President Cheney will need to ignore the Parliamentarian to invoke the nuclear option because Republicans must engineer a scenario where, as stated above, nuclear option opponents appeal a ruling of the chair endorsing the nuclear option. Frist must ensure that opponents appeal because the appeal itself is debatable, while a motion to table (kill) the appeal is not debatable. If Republican leaders try to overturn an adverse ruling by the chair through their own appeal (which would occur if the chair follows the parliamentarian), opponents could simple filibuster the appeal and a motion to table the appeal would set the opposite precedent than Frist wishes to achieve.

It should be apparent to all by now, that the Republican leadership in Congress and the White House consider themselves to be above and beyond any rule or law. Those that they find inconvenient or obstructive to their agenda, they try to change. In the House, the Republican leadership tried to change the ethics rules to benefit Tom DeLay, given the possibility of his indictment in Texas. The Republican leadership in the Senate is attempting to change rules which allow a principled minority to stand up to the tyranny of the majority. The Administration has changed rules on air and water quality, workplace safety, Medicare, bankruptcy, etc. because they were inconvenient to campaign contributors, thus to the money flowing into Republican pockets.

The Republican leadership in this nation preach about the virtues of ehtics and values. The reality, however, is that they lack any ethics and value only that which tightens their grip on power. They are the greatest threat the Republic now faces...not from terrorists...not from "activist judges"...not from permitting the marriage of same-gender couples. They, not some outside enemy, will be the death of the Republic.

We have met the enemy...And he is us! - Pogo

Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek and the Desecration of the Koran

While the desecration of anything which is sacred to another is inherently wrong, I tend to believe the initial version of the Newsweek story on the desecration of the Koran at GITMO.

Why...? Quite simple. In US prisons, it is common practice for guards to go into an inmates cell while they are seeing a visitor or otherwise out of their cell and toss the cell. They will then throw whatever the inmate holds most dear, be it a family photo, prayer beads, a Bible, A the toilet. So it would not surprise me that a common tactic used to break prisoners here in the US would be used in attempting to break detainees being interrogated at GITMO, Abu-Ghraib, or any of the other unknown and unnamed US detention facilities around the world.

It would not require any great stretch of the imagination to think that the administration put pressure on the editorial board at Newsweek to quash the story and discredit their source. Given the Bush administration's penchant for secrecy and aversion to the truth, it is very likely the case.

Here are sources backing up the Newsweek story:

72.They were never given prayer mats and initially they didn’t get a Koran. When the Korans were provided, they were kicked and thrown about by the guards and on occasion thrown in the buckets used for the toilets. This kept happening. When it happened it was always said to be an accident but it was a recurrent theme.

74.Asif says that ‘it was impossible to pray because initially we did not know the direction to pray, but also given that we couldn’t move and the harassment rom the guards, it was simply not feasible. The behaviour of the guards towards our religious practices as well as the Koran was also, in my view, designed to cause us as much distress as possible. They would kick the Koran, throw it into the toilet and generally disrespect it. It is clear to me that he conditions in our cells and our general treatment were designed by the officers in charge of the interrogation process to “soften us up”’.

Detainees also complained about the interference with their ability to pray and the lack of respect given to their religion. For example, the British detainees state that they were never given prayer mats and initially were not provided Korans. They also complained that when the Korans were provided, the guards “would kick the Koran, throw it into the toilet and generally disrespect it.” - Human Rights Watch, October 2004

These revelations are nothing new, they are simply being used to pressure media outlets, which question Administration policy, to toe the ideological line. Chairman of the JCS, General Richard Meyers, stated that the riots in Afghanistan have more to do with the general dissatisfaction with the political process than anything else. So, this coincidental violence provides yet another opportunity for the Administration to force US media outlets to come to heel.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Morning After...

In December 2003, Plan B, an emergency contraception medication, was approved by a vote of 23 to 4 by the FDA Advisory Committee on Reproductive Health Medications for over the counter sale. Despite this recommendation, the FDA, headed by Scott McClellan. If the last name isn't familiar he's the brother of Puffy McMoonface, a.k.a. Mark McClellan, White House Press Secretary. Instrumental to the denial of Plan B's OTC sale was Dr. W. David Hager, OB/GYN, conservtive Christian and darling of the Bush administration...But more about him later.

Plan B is designed for emergency contraception and IS NOT an abortifacient, despite claims to the contrary by the drugs anti-abortion foes. The drug inhibits ovulation, and if ovulation has already occurred, it prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall. Since around 50% of fertilized eggs fail to implant anyways, there is really no interuption in the life-cycle as is claimed by anti-abortionists. Their claim that life begins at conception has no scientific or rational merit and may be dismissed.

Also, easy access to emergency contraception would help reduce the number of abortions over all in that it would not be necessary to seek one as an unplanned pregnacy could be avoided. But a new application for OCT sale certification by Plan B's manufacturer has languished since the FDA missed a deadline for responding to the application in January.

Back to Dr. Hager...After the advisory committee voted to recommend OTC sale of Plan B, Dr. Hager stated that he produced a "minority report" at the request from "outside the agency" but later stated that he produced the report at the request of an FDA staffer. An FDA spokeswoman stated that there had been no internal request, and he had sent a "private citizen letter" on the matter to Scott McClellan, Puffy McMoonface's brother.

Dr. Hager made his decision based on his belief that the medication is an abortifacient even though it has no effect on an established pregnancy. His decision is a matter of faith rather fact, and when making decisions affecting human life, fact must trump faith.

But what of Dr. Hager himself? His books show his view of women to be less than equitable, and men should act as "benevolent authority figures" towards women. In 2002, he spearheaded a campign to block the manufacure and distribution of RU-486 in the US. And, more recently, his former wife of 32 years has come forward with accounts of their marriage. This includes an extramarital affair by Dr. Davis with a friend of his former wife...Videotaping and photographing their sexual activity...Forcible sodomy, yes, in all 50 states, marital rape is a crime.

With Dr. Hager's political star rising, he stands to be re-nominated for his position on the FDA advisory committee, or even advancement to a position with even more authority over women's health issues. Imagine...a misogynistic, abusive man making policy regarding women's health issues. But his is par for the course for this administration, Condi Rice, despite her failures as NSA was promoted to Secretatry of State...John Negroponte, having no Middle East experience was promoted to Proconsul of Iraq. And after fleeing Iraq like a whipped dog, he is now the National Intelligence Director...John Bolton, with his rabid, reflexive loathing of any challenge to himself or US power, is nominated to be UN Ambassador.

How much longer will it be before the religious right wing-nuts in this country demand that women be stripped of the franchise and relegated, once more, to the status of chatttel...? Unable to own property...Unable to work outside the home...To be used for no other purpose than to satisfy the desires and silently suffer the abuse of her lord and master? This is the hidden agenda of of the religious far right-wing fringe in this country. But this lunatic fringe is polluting the mainstream ever more...To the point that it is becoming the mainstream.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

John Bolton And Dubbyuh's Foreign Policy...or Lack Thereof

The real fight over John Bolton's nomination rally doesn't have so much to do with Bolton himself, although you really wouldn't know it given the storm of controversy his nomination has generated. According to Max Boot, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the real fight is over the Administration's unilateralist foreign policy. And Bolton would simply be the cat's-paw for the Administration in pursuit of those policies.

Dubbyuh could, as he did recently, travel abroad and preach of the wonders and glories of democracy, and then return home and pursue economic and political policies detrimental to nascent democracies. John Bolton, staunch supporter of US dominance in the world, is the man for the job. And he reflects many of the attributes of this Administration.

Like the Administration, Bolton has a history of discouraging criticism. Like the Administration, Bolton's disdain for the UN is absolute. Also, like the Administration, he has tried to spin intel and facts to fit policy. In 2002 he made accusations about Cuba and bio-weapons development that went far beyond anything presented by CIA analysts and he attempted to have the analyst who questioned him on the matter fired. Also in 2002, as well as 2003, he made statements regarding Syria's development of "unconventional weapons" that were rejected as "exaggerated" by the CIA.

Meanwhile, Colin Powell is working quietly behind the scenes of this three-ring circus. While not actively opposing Bolton's nomination, he is talking to Republican maderates, doubtless recounting the rear-guard action he had to fight against Bolton during his time at the State Department. And it was known at the time that Dick Cheney had Bolton installed at State to "...derail the multilateralists...".

Despite Bolton's history, the fight in the Senate over his nomination really has little to do with that history. It is a referendum on the foreign policy of the Bush administration...a unilateralist, isolationist policy which has led us to the straights our country is in today. And given the Administration's scorched earth tactics in these political battles, it will get uglier before all is said and done.

Our moral guardians...?

On May 5th, Neil Horsley, far right-wing misogynist and anti-abortion activist, had a little conversation with Alan Colmes where he admitted a mule was his "first girlfriend". In his own words...
"You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naive. You know better than that... If it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it."

Conservative Spokane, Washington mayor, James West, is enmeshed in charges of offering jobs and sports memorabilia in return for sex with young men. Also on the plate are charges of his molesting 2 boys during his time as a deputy sheriff and boy scout leader.

Oh, and let's not forget Jeff/Jim Guckert/Gannon, former ace reporter for Talon News who attended over 200 White House press conferences, entered the Whiote House on numerous occaisions some of which were incompletely documented, and...wait for it...was a gay prostitute.

Yes boys and girls, these are just some of the self-proclaimed guardians of American morality and precious bodily fluids. By day, they're solidly conservative, moralizing, gay bashing Republicans. By night, they're doing poppers at the Manhole and cruising for gay, or for some - interspecies, sex.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It just never ends, does it...?

Here we are, 4 years into the 21st century, and the Scopes Monkey Trial and Darwinian evolution are still being hashed out.

Kansas, whose school-board decided in 1999 to have all mention of evolution stricken from school science curricula until a sane school board was later elected, has once more decided to turn its back on science and embrace pseudo-science in an attempt to present a "balanced" view regardeing the teaching of evolution in the form of "intelligent design". This after the intellectually challenged once again gained a majority on the state school board. This 'theory' states that given the complexity of life, life could only have developed with the assistance of some unseen intelligence. While not overtly based in religious doctrine, and drawing from the terminology of molecular biology, DNA and relying on gaps in fossil records, it is hoped that it will be presented in classrooms on equal footing with Darwinian evolution.

There is no basis for this, and "intelligent design" is not science. There exists no serious debate of the scientific validity of Darwinian evolution. Studies in the Galapagos Islands, and other isolated ecosystems have validated the fact of evolution and Darwin's theory of natural selection which supports it. Even Pope John Paul IV in 1996 accepted the validity of evolution, and given the value many place on other of his opinions, except where they contradict their own, it should stand to reason that they give this opinion the same credence they give to the late Pope's "culture of life".

So here we are, 80 years after the Scope's Monkey Trial, and folks just can't accept the fact of the matter...Evolution is not just a 'theory', it is a fact. One can only wonder when these devolutionists are going to insist that women and minorities be denied the vote

Friday, May 06, 2005


In a memo labeled "SECRET AND STRICTLY PERSONAL - UK EYES ONLY" and dated 7/23/2002, lies evidence that has led, up to this point, 87 US House members to sign a letter demanding an explanation from the Bush administration about the content of this memo. Especially,
Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

The administration was "fixing" the intel around the policy. In other words, the intel was being cherry-picked and spun to fit the policy. Any intel which didn't support the policy or contradicted it was quietly shunted aside and ignored.You know, like the findings of the IAEA under Mohammed el-Baradei...UNSCOM's Scott Ritter...But this administration has never let inconvenient facts stand in its way.

America went to war in Iraq based upon a fabric of lies. If the information in this memo does not substantiate charges of "high crimes and misdemeanors" against Dubbyuh and members of his administration...nothing will. We can take the Constitution out of its case and burn it, as it will no longer be needed...the Republic will have died.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Tony Blair...A sinking political ship?

New documents reveal that Tony Blair was complicit in setting the stage for war with Iraq. These documents show that PM Blair was committed to regime change in Iraq along with the Bush administration, this despite the fact that Lord Goldsmith, British AG, repeatedly warned him that such action could be illegal as early as 2002. Other documents show that Britain, folowing the lead of the US, had to somehow "create" the necessary pretext for war with Iraq.

As if this wasn't enough, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, former Chief of the Defence Staff, voiced concerns about not having legal cover should war crimes charges be brought before the International Criminal Court. Admiral Boyce stated that he had never seen Lord Goldsmith's initial, very qualified, advice about the legality of war with Iraq. Admiral Boyce further stated that if he, as well as officers and enlisted personel who served in Iraq wound up serving prison terms, he would make sure "...Other perople were brought into the frame as well...". When pressed as to whetehr he meant Tony Blair and Lord Goldsmith, he replied, "Too bloody right."

Tony Blair's political ship is about to have its belly ripped open on the shoals of this damning evidence regarding the legality of the war in Iraq. When Blair's ship founders, can Dubbyuh's be far behind? One can only hope.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The "Gay Agenda"...?

At least that's what Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says is motivating a piece of legislation he has introduced in the ALabama legislature.

His bill would ban books by such well known authors as Truman Capote, Gore Vidal or Tennesee Williams would be culled from the shelves of Alabama's public libraries as well as school and universitiy libraries. He also wanted to ban Shakespeare's works from the bookshelves but withdrew that paragraph after "some criticism".

His legislation would also supress any mention of homosexuality as a genetic trait. Furthermore any books featuring gay or bisexual characters would be barred from libraries. Mr. Allen, apparently found homosexual content, and evidence of the "Gay Agenda" to turn the whole world queer, in every book he picked up.

This piece of legislation would have left library shelves empty and dusty, as well as throwing a number of librarians out of work. It represents nothing more than a good, old-fashioned book burning similar to that practiced by the Soviet Union after the communists siezed power...or Nazi Germany practiced with Jewish literature...or as Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia.

I think that Mr. Allen, and his fellow travelers should look to putting their own houses in order before they start tearing down the houses of others. Mr. Allen's legislation is probably a manifestation of his own doubts and fears regarding his own sexuality, and he either needs to just get over it or come out of the closet. Either one would least he would stop bothering other folks.

And you may have noticed I used the past tense a couple of paragraphs back...Mr. Allen's legilation died on the floor af the Alabama legislature, as it should have.

Friday, April 29, 2005

American Traitors

In 2000, this nation had a $230 billion dollar budget surplus. By 2004, that surplus had evaporated, to be replaced by a deficit of $412 billion (1.).

In May of 2000, Japan held $337 billion in US treasuries, China - $60.4 billion, OPEC $48.3 billion. In total, $1,260.8 billion in US debt was held by foreign central banks. (2.) In February of 2005, Japan held $702.1 billion, China - $196.5 billion, OPEC - $67.1 billion. In total, $1,996 billion in US debt is being held by foreign central banks.(3.)

This amount of US debt in the hands of foreign interests represents a threat to this nation unimagined by our Founding Fathers over two hundred years ago, let alone two or three decades ago. Foreign interests, with their hands on America's purse-strings, may now have the power to devastate the US economy at any time of their choosing. This blade hangs over America, yet our elected, some would say selected, leaders refuse to acknowledge its presence...let alone their bringing about this state of affairs.

This administration has presided over wartime tax-cuts, a free-falling dollar, and surging foreign trade deficits as well as the ever expanding federal budget deficit, estimated at some $512 billion for 2005 (4.) ( this doesn't even include the cost of ongoing operations in Afghanistan and Iraq).

In placing our nations finacial health so firmly in the hands of foreign powers, this adminstration has betrayed its responsibility to the American people...It has abandoned any pretext of fiscal responsibility...It has turned a blind eye to war profiteers (5.)...In short, this administration and the Republican leadership in Congress have betrayed their oaths of office by ceding so much power over this nation directly into the hands of foreign agents. This is nothing short of treason, and its perpetrators should be brought to justice. It is time to stop coddling these vipers in our breast and name them for the traitors they are.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Break down barriers between church and state...?

Be careful what you wish for.

The consequences of embracing Tom DeLay's and Bill Frist's crusade against an independent jusidciary and their appeals to a particularly xenophobic form of Christianity are simple. The breaking down of the barriers between church and state.

While not explicitly laid out in the Constitution, it is implicit, as stated in Jefferson's 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association.

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. - Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 1, 1802

Further reading of the letter makes it clear that religious freedom is a matter of individual conviction, and not to be brought into the realm of politics. This ideal has enjoyed legal status throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, and rather than stifling religion, has given rise to enourmous diversity in religious expression and practice in this nation, one not seen elsewhere in the world.

Also, the framers of the Constitution had a perspective on the merging of church and state that we do not have today. They needed only to look to recent history of Puritan Massachussetts to see the threat that a union of religion and politics posed. In Massachussetts, religious dissenters were hanged and "witches" were burned at the stake. The Founding Fathers looked to this and knew that it was not what they wanted for this nation. Recent history gives us the examples of Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Iran, Afghanistan under the Taliban, Saudia Arabia, Indonesia, and others to show the flaws and instability inherent in the mingling religion and politics.

The separation of church and state has also benefitted religion in the form of property-tax exemptions for church owned property. And I don't see anyone suppoting the union of church and state supporting the imposition of these taxes on their churches. If there is to be more church in the state, there should also be more state in the church.

The democratic principles this nation was built upon are messy, and rely on compromise and concensus building amongst a variety of views. Religion, on the other hand, is built upon absolutes, undebatable dogmas and authority. There is no room for "...We the People..." to exercise any authority. Thus the only way for the two to co-exist is to do so separately. Religion remains in the personal realm and secularism prevails in the political realm.