Friday, July 08, 2005

"...defeat them abroad before they attack us at home..."

Yesterdays bombings in London gave the lie to that premise. Rather than acting as "flypaper", Iraq has become a training ground for terrorists which is second to none. It exceeds the wildest wet dreams that Osama bin Laden had for training operations in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

In a report from January 2005, the National Intelligence Council stated, "...a training ground, a recruitment ground, the opportunity for enhancing technical skills...". While no firm numbers on Iraqi insurgents killed are available, it seems likly that the casualties are doing little more than culling the less capable members and giving rise to more highly trained, experienced, motivated and capable terrorist operatives than have been seen in recent memory. These operatives, particularly the foreign nationals fighting alongside Iraqi nationals, are then able to exfiltrate from Iraq and carry the skills they have acquired there around the world.

To think that we will "...defeat them abroad before they attack us at home..." is at best, pollyanish wishful thinking. At worst it is a gross understatement of the threat to both this nation and the world at large. Let us hope our leaders outgrow such foolishness before we pay the price on our shores...again.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dubbyuh's Special Day

On July 4th, Dubbyuh gave a speech in Morgantown, WV. Of course, this speech was given before a hand-picked audience of approved ticket holders...No subversives or hecklers allowed.

In his speech Dubbyuh reached back in history, a subject he knows little about, and brought forth the memory of the struggles of the Founding Fathers and their strugle for independence. He compared and contrasted this with the current struggle of the Iraqi people. And, I must confess the analogy is interesting.

In 1776, a band of American insurgents rose up, and with the support of some foreign governments and a few foreign troops...Fought, bled and died, in order to finally expell and occupying army from American soil. Indeed, circumstances in Iraq are strikingly similar.

In Iraq, an insurgency has arisen in order to expell occupying foreign troops from Iraqi soil. They also have the support of some foreign nations with about 5% of the manpower for the insugency being compromised of foreign troops. But the occupying military is compromised, primarily of US troops.

On the surface, Dubbyuh's analogy seems appropriate, but when looking at the context it is wholly inappropriate. In launching a war of aggression against Iraq based on questionable pretenses and intel fabricated from whole cloth, the Bush administration has betrayed the struggle of Americans in the Revolutionary war. They have betrayed the ideals of the Founding Fathers. They have betrayed the Constitution they swore to uphold and defend.