Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Illegal...And They Knew it.

We have the Downing Street Minutes and their associated documents.

We have revelations of a bombing campaign called 'Southern Focus' began in June of 2002, which involved over 21,000 sorties against targets in Iraq. Please note this began while the administration was denying the inevitability of war, and some five months before the Administration asked Congress for the authority to begin military operations in Iraq.

And we have this forgotten story...War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal

In November of 2003, Richard Perle, one of the architects of Bush Administration policy towards Iraq, stated of the invasion of Iraq:

I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing.

Richard Perle admitted the invasion of Iraq was illegal. At the urging of George W. Bush and members of his cabinet, America embarked on a war of aggression in violation of US and international law. They are thus liable for proscecution under that law. It is time we did so.

Monday, June 27, 2005

A word on Karl Rove...

Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers... - Karl Rove, 6/22/2005

Liberal that I am, I simply cannot understand Mr. Rove's remarks. After 9/11, I knew someone was going to get the sharp end of the stick...I wanted that to happen, and I don't know of anyone who didn't. I challenge Mr. Rove, or anyone else for that matter, to produce JUST ONE person, liberal or conservative, who voiced the point of view he described. In making such remarks, Mr. Rove slandered the memory of those who perished on that day...He slandered everyone who watched in horror as the planes slammed into the Towers and stood overwhelmed by the tragedy as the Towers collapsed...He slandered the families who lost loved ones to this monstrous tragedy

More important though is that the question as to why Mr. Rove chose to raise the spectre of 9/11 has gone begging. The answer is quite simple...The President's poll numbers continue to slide towards the tipping point...Iraq is sliding towards disintigration...The Downing Street Minutes continue to hound the president, and references to 9/11 are attempt to revive the fears 9/11 raised. Well guess what Mr. Rove...We're not afraid anymore! We've accepted the fact that the world is a dangerous place, and that danger can reach our shores.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Laming of the President...

Here it is, June nearly over...Dubbyuh's poll numbers sinking like a rock...His social security "reform" legislation DOA...Republicans jockeying for position in '08...Bolton's nomination ground to a halt. It sounds as if Dubbyuh has become a the lamest of ducks. Not the legacy he had planned.

Things could have been different if he'd actually used the put the faith America placed in him after 9/11 to good use. Instead he focused on the politics of polarization and divisiveness. He worked to concentrate power in the hands of the Republican majority in Congress rather than working to form a bipartisan coalition that could actually accomplish something.Instead, he and his advisors chose to brand any who opposed them as "unpatriotic" and "traitors".

He squandered the goodwill extened to the US by the rest of the world after 9/11 in a foolish, wrongheaded and illegal invasion of Iraq. A war which few Americans now support and one which is gutting our all voluteer military and enfeebling it to the point that it may not be able to adequately deal with any other threat to national security. In the course of that war, the attrocities committed at Abu Ghraib in Iraq, Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, GITMO and elswhere shredded the remaining fabric of US credibility abroad. They also served as potent for the recruiting ot the terrorists the Administration claims to be fighting.

This Administration may yet go down as one of the greatest failures of a presidency in American history. We can only hope that the next president, regardless of party or ideology, will be able to pick up the pieces and restore the standing of the office as well as America's standing with the world.

Dubbyuh is fast heading towards irrelevancy as congressional Republicans look beyond 2008 and to their own political fortunes and the risks that will come from riding Dubbyuh's tattered coat-tails. It can't come soon enough.