Thursday, November 10, 2005

An Update...

Regarding my previous post, it was a straight party line vote, with only one Republican voting for the amendment, that being Senator Chafee of Rhode Island.

The only way this administration is going to be held accountable for its crimes is when there is a democratic majority in both houses of Congress, although, at this point I'm not sure even then.

For the breakdown on the vote, go HERE

Jeeeezus! What a fucking creep-show...!

Just when you though they couldn't sink any lower...At about 12:10 Eastern Time, the senate killed S.AMDT.2476, also known as the "Dorgan Amendment". This amendment, introduced by Senator Byron Dorgan(D-ND), to the 2006 defense authorization bill would have established a commission to investigate contractot fraud, abuse and war profiteering In Iraq.

It would have used, as its template, the Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, the Truman Committee, of WW II. As we all know, this committee saved US taxpayers what would have amounted to billions in current US dollars. But rather than do the right thing this amendment was defeated, Yea: 44, Nay:53. I don't know the breakdown of the vote, But I would be more than willing to bet that it was along party lines. The last vote I heard was that of Senator Bill Frist, who (SURPRISE!) voted against it. A call to Senator Mike DeWine's office, Republican Senator from Ohio and my Senator, voted "NO" also.

What is the Reublican Senate leadership afraid of? Are they worried about their connections to the various contractors being revealed? If they've violated no laws or Senate ehtics rules, What do they have to worry about? What don't they want revealed? WE, THE PEOPLE... have a right to know how our taxpayer dollars were misused, wasted and/or stolen. There has still been no accounting of the $8.8 billion that went missing during Proconsul Bremer's tenure in Iraq.

Call you Senator and demand an accounting...NOW!