Sunday, May 01, 2005

Tony Blair...A sinking political ship?

New documents reveal that Tony Blair was complicit in setting the stage for war with Iraq. These documents show that PM Blair was committed to regime change in Iraq along with the Bush administration, this despite the fact that Lord Goldsmith, British AG, repeatedly warned him that such action could be illegal as early as 2002. Other documents show that Britain, folowing the lead of the US, had to somehow "create" the necessary pretext for war with Iraq.

As if this wasn't enough, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, former Chief of the Defence Staff, voiced concerns about not having legal cover should war crimes charges be brought before the International Criminal Court. Admiral Boyce stated that he had never seen Lord Goldsmith's initial, very qualified, advice about the legality of war with Iraq. Admiral Boyce further stated that if he, as well as officers and enlisted personel who served in Iraq wound up serving prison terms, he would make sure "...Other perople were brought into the frame as well...". When pressed as to whetehr he meant Tony Blair and Lord Goldsmith, he replied, "Too bloody right."

Tony Blair's political ship is about to have its belly ripped open on the shoals of this damning evidence regarding the legality of the war in Iraq. When Blair's ship founders, can Dubbyuh's be far behind? One can only hope.

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