Well!...The nerve!...
"This is an affront to me personally," an angry Mr. Frist said.
He said would find it difficult to trust Mr. Reid any longer.
"It's an affront to our leadership," Mr. Frist said. "It's an affront to the United States of America. And it is wrong." - The New York Times
Watching Senator Bill Frist have his little hissy fit yesterday, one almost expected him to go flouncing off in a huff. One could almost hear the rustle of crinoline and the clack of high-heels. I never realized he was such a drama queen.
The true effrontery though lies in the failure of Congress to maintain any level of oversight of President Bush and his administration. Unbid contracts to Haliburton and it subsidiaries in Iraq...Ignored. $8.8 billion gone missing in Iraq under pro-consul J. Paul Bremmer...Also ignored. Violations of US and intenational law as well as the Geneva Conventions draws not a whisper from the Republican controlled Congress. More recently, the failures of FEMA under the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of Hurricane Katrina are ignored. And again, unbid contracts are awarded to Haliburton and its subsidiaries for Gulf Coast reconstruction...One can hear crickets chirping in the halls of Congress.
So, Senator Frist, take your self-righteous indignation...fold it five ways...and place it firmly where the sun never shines. You might have a hard time getting it past your head though.
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