Tuesday, July 12, 2005

'Turd-blossom'in Deep Shit

In the White House Regular Press Briefing of July 11th, 2005, White House Press Secretary Puffy McMoonface, aka Scott McClellan, aka Chummy McSharkbait, was savaged by a gang of real reporters who were secretly substituted for the White House press corps. The subject of the reporters questioning was Karl Rove and the statements made by Puffy and Dubbyuh regarding an ongoing criminal investigation. This was, of course, before they figured out they'd been caught in a lie and decided not to comment on an ongoing criminal investigation.

It was October 10th, 2003. I another press briefing, Puffy stated that neither Rove nor 'Scooter' Libby were involved. Nor, he added was Elliot Abrams. Sounds like a comment about an ongoing criminal investigation to me.

And wasn't it Dubbyuh who said:

If there's leaks out of my administration, I want to know who it is, and if the person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of.

However, the pattern of Dubbyuh's Administration is to reward failure. After all, Condi ignored the PDB which stated "Osama bin Laden seeks to attack the US", and lookit where she is now...Secretary of State an' all. And then there was George Tenet who got us into a war based on cooked intel. He got a Presidential Medal of Freedom. And so did J. Paul Bremmer, who managed to lose $9 billion in taxpayer money in Iraq.

For a cock-up of this magnitude, Turd-blossom's reward will have to be pretty spectacular. Could a seat on the SCOTUS be in the offing?

For more on this little [packet of distracting weirdness, I offer the following links:

Puffy gets beaten like a gong The full transcript.

The main-stream media - Developing a backbone...At last

Just how serious is Dubbyuh about the 'War on Terror'?

All indictions to date are that he's not at all serious. After 9/11, Dubbyuh went all cowboy sheriff and made alot of noise about wanting Osama bin Laden "...Dead or Alive...". Just a few months later, in March of 2002, Dubbyuh flip-flopped and said. "I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. - White House Press Conference, 5/13/02

During that March press conference, Dubbyuh was already making noises about the "threat " posed by Saddam Hussein. Also, in July of 2002, Dubbyuh, without notifying Congress as the post-9/11 appropriations bill required him to do , diverted some $700 million dollars from the operational fund for Afghanistan to fund operations against Iraq. This was concurrent with the stepped up bombing of targets in Iraq, again without notifying Congress.

On the homefront, Dubbyuh and his merry band contiue seeking to make the tax-cuts beneffiting the wealthiest 1% of Americans permanent...This in a time of war. Shouldn't we be raising taxes to fund ongoiing military oprerations? But no, he'd rather borrow from foreign lenders to support his foreign military adventurism. Cuts in funding to first -responders, fire, police and EMS personnel, continue unabated. Funding for sea-port security remains far below what is needed. Nuclear power plants and petro-chem facilites remain large, soft targets, particularly since the Chemical Facilities Security Act of 2003 died in committee.

So, just how serious is Dubbyuh about the war on terror...? Not very. It just gets trotted out with "Remember 9/11!" when his poll numbers sag.