Friday, September 09, 2005

Hmmmmm...I wonder...

I wonder why whenever anyone criticizes Dubbyuh and his merry band for their belated responses to hurricane Katrina, they're accused of playing "...the blame game..."? But whenever anyone criticizes state and local officials for said belated response, no such complaints arise.

Why is it that the governors of Alabama and Mississippi aren't also being taken to task by the Bush administration for the belated response to the hurricane's aftermath? Could it be because both states have REPUBLICAN governors?

The sad fact of the matter is that the Administration is simply trying to cover its collective political ass by placing the blame elsewhere. Like an alcoholic family, they are trying to place responsibility for the problems and suffering they cause anywhere but where it their own doorstep. Never mind that top level management at FEMA is populated by nothing more than a bunch of sniveling, syncophantic political hacks. "We didn't do anything...", they whine. Which is precisely the point...They did nothing, and thousands of Americans died ON AMERICAN SOIL! And they boasted that Dubbyuh and his merry band have made America more secure. Forgive my incredulity.

Here is the timeline for the disaster:

Bush Disaster Timeline

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Junior Contemplates His Navel

The idea of Dubbyuh heading an invetigation into "What went right and what went wrong..." in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina is problematic on several levels, not the least of which being that alcoholics are seldom given to introspection.

"Alcoholic...?" you say. "Didn't Dubbyuh swear off booze years ago?" you ask. Yes, DUbbyuh found Jesus and swore off demon rum. However, having done so, he never dealt with the underlying issues that lead him to drink in the first place. Nor has the issue of the permanent cognitive impairments resulting from decades of dedicated substance abuse been addressed. Dubbyuh is an untreated common parlance, a dry drunk.

We can see the evidence of this in his obsessive physical exercise...his grandiose behavior...his rigid and judgemental worldview...his impatience...his childish and irresponsible behavior...his projection...his irrational rationalizations.

It is also common for alcoholics, both active and 'dry', to seek to place blame anywhere but upon themselves, and this has been a defining characteristic not only of this Bush administration, but also of George W. Bush in general. What passes as introspection and self-examination in this population is nothing more than an ongoing quest to dodge responsibility for the consequences of their actions. It can be safely assumed that any investigation by Dubbyuh and his administration into the failures following hurricane Katrina will yield a similar result. Blame will be laid everywhere but where it the doorstep of the White House.