Mandate, noun man·date
\ˈman-ˌdāt\ : the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded
as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an
Donald Trump, and his surrogates, are claiming a mandate resulting
from the election on November 8th. I can’t help but wonder if what
their talking about is Donald’s mandate with Vladimir Putin when Donnie goes to
swear his fealty to Putin.
The septuagenarian degenerate lost the popular vote by some 2.8
million votes and counting. That is a far cry from the “landslide” that Donald and
his surrogates, like Kellyanne Conway, are claiming. And as for the electoral
votes…that wasn’t a “a massive landslide victory…in the Electoral College” as
claimed by the old pervert. Nor was it “Landslide. Blowout. Historic”, in the
words of Donald’s Mistress of Darkness, Kellyanne Conway. He was 44th
in the list of President’s to win the electoral vote, and the second in this
decade to have won the electoral vote despite having lost the popular vote and,
both times, in favor of the Republican candidate.
But no, The Donald’s surrogates continue to peddle the bald-faced
lie that the they, and the GOP have a mandate. Mike Pence, at a December 6th
fundraiser, held at the Heritage Foundation, said, “We truly do believe that
our president-elect has secured a mandate for leadership,”. The “We” here being
the divorced from reality sycophants, yes-men and hangers-on of the Trump camp
and the GOP. This was just another case of Pence trying to soothe twitchy
conservatives about Trump’s conservative bona fides, principal and character. A task made all the more difficult given that Trump lacks these qualities entirely.
No, Trump’s mandate is another exercise in the “Big Lie” by Trump
and his surrogates in the hopes that, with sufficient repetition at sufficient
volume, this lie will become true. Trying to stitch this sow’s ear into a silk
purse will do nothing to legitimize a Trump presidency, especially considering
new evidence surrounding Russian meddling in the election in Trump’s favor.
There is no mandate and no legitimacy for Trump or the GOP to be had bas a consequence of
this election.