Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Voter Intimidation...GOP Style

In 1981, the RNC brought the "Voter Security Task Force" into New Jersey. This "task force", composed of mostly off duty police officers, stalked around polls in minority precincts with walkie-talkies, arm-bands and sandwich-board sized posters boldly proclaiming that falsifying ballots and violating election laws were crimes. As a result, the election went to the GOP gubernatorial candidate...by about 1800 votes.
A civil suit charging voter intimidation and harassment was brought against the GOP. Interestingly, the attorney for the GOP was Donald Trump's brother-in-law. In 1982, the New Jersey and national GOP signed a consent decree prohibiting them from engaging in such illegal activities until 12/01/2017.
Fast forward to now. Donald Trump is exhorting his trollish followers to watch polling places because it's "so important that you watch other communities", or "some other place", or "certain areas". "Other communities"..."certain areas"..."some other place"? Unless you've been sleeping through the last century of race relations in the US, or have just chosen to ignore the issue altogether, you'll realize that those phrase are euphemisms for minority communities.
Back to 1982. The consent decree signed by the national and New Jersey GOP will expire on 12/01/2017 unless they GOP is found to have violated that decree. In which case, the decree extends another 8 years, expiring in 2025. And the GOP desperately wants to get out from under that decree.
Back to now.
Reince Priebus probably spends hours in a corner, in a fetal position, rocking back and forth, every time Trump babbles some shit about watching the polls. Watching the polls in "other communities"..."certain areas"..."some other place". Keep up the good work Donnie.