The Incredible Lying BushCo
Friday, October 31, 2003
Like you even needed more proof.
Like you even need to read about the incredible and ever-increasing list of lies and misinfo and deeply, colon-clenchingly humiliating wrongness shot forth from the mouth of the GOP machine, a truly jaw-dropping assortment of falsehoods and fabrications about war, and war, and war. Oh, and the economy. And the environment. And war.
Look. There is no doubt left. Zero. None. Even many high-ranking Republicans are deeply worried over the increasingly embittered national timbre regarding BushCo's lies, as reflected in his ever-slipping ratings and declining reelectability quotient and his smug little smirky emptiness.
Do you need to be reminded? Do you need to see it again?
Very good, then. Let us recap: No WMDs. Biggest joke on the American public in the past 50 years. Saddam doesn't have 'em, and probably never did. Over 1,400 of BushCo's own investigators and specialists and scientists -- affectionately known as the Iraq Survey Group -- canvassing postwar Iraq for six months, not to mention the teams of original U.N. investigators, and finding not a trace of anything resembling huge stockpiles of massive scary weaponry.
Which is to say, no nukes. No biotoxins. No big cannons full of scary Korans and rusty bullets and old gum. Nothing at all resembling what Condi Rice and Cheney and Rummy and Wolfowitz, et al., said were absolutely positively no question going to be found any day now because after all that's why we went to war. Except that it wasn't. And they knew it.
Foul, putrescent, gut-wrenchingly malodorous lies. Howdy's political fortunes are built on lies, from the day he entered Texas politics to the present. And "We, the People..." swallow this hellbroth without batting an eye. Why? Are "We the people..." so self-absorbed and dissolute that we can't be bothered? Or is it simply easier to abdicate resposiblity and let the fuckers have their way? Or are we just so intellectually lazy and morally bankrupt that our indifference to the situation is overwhelming?