Operation Iraqi Liberation: O.I.L.
As if the war wasn't bad enough...now the World Bank and the IMF are about to get their shithooks into Iraq. Instituted after WW II, these organizations were originally intended to help rebuild the economies of the nations devastated by that war.
Over the intervening years, however, they have morphed into huge siphons that drain the wealth of those nations they are involved with into the accounts of foreign (read American and European multinational) corporations. In their wake, they leave wages depressed, unions busted and everything that can be privatized is left in the hands of radical free-marketeers whose only interest is in profits.
We need look no further than Chile, Bolivia , Brazil, Argentina, and let's not forget the economies of African nations, too numerous to mention, left as smoldering craters in the ground, for proof of their malificence.
This is what is coming to Iraq...decades of further grinding poverty in the hands of so called free market reforms, the privatization of power and water infrastructures leading to further disease and death, the oil wealth drained into the coffers of European and US oil companies. The aftermath of this will be an increasingly radicalized Islamic movement spreading terror and death across the globe.
So much for "Operation Iraqi Freedom".