Saturday, May 29, 2010

Repeal of DADT and the "...impurification of our precious bodily fluids..."

The right wing seems awfully het up about what goes on in barracks showers and fellatio performed by those depraved homosexyuls on their straight comrades in arms whilst they sleep. Gotta wonder what they're all doin' in their spare time...Hmmm.

I spent more than a few years in the navy, with the bulk of them spent on ships at sea, and I never awoke in my rack to find a homosexyul fellating me in my sleep. And yes, there were gay crew-members...many gay crew-members. By and large nobody but the knuckle-draggers and slack-jawed mouth breathers really gave a shit if they were gay as long as they were there when the shit hit the fan, and they were. Come to think of it, the knuckle-draggers and mouth-mouth breathers would have had trouble getting laid in a brothel if you stuffed their pockets full of C-notes.

And then there are the nut-bags at "America's Survival" who are doing a fair impression of General Jack D. Ripper in expressing their concerns over homosexyuls "impurifying the precious bodily fluids" of our men an women in uniform. Talk about bat-shit crazy...Kincaid's picture serves as the ostensive definition of the phrase.

To all those straight, right-wing, true-blue super patriots gettin' all het up over the possibility of getting hit by the super-duper-ultra-top-secret gay ray developed by the homosexyul movement in America...Can you say "Freudian slip"? I knew you could