Junior's Summer Vacation
At his Texas Versailles, Dubbyuh does little more than spout platitudes to the families of thoise who have lost loved ones in Iraq.
"We will stay the course; we will complete the job in Iraq."
Cold comfort to those whose loved ones died in the service of their country in pursuit of dubious goals. Too little, too late for those whose courage, honor and belief in their country has been made a mockery of by this president.
Cindy Sheehan is one such person. The founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, she stands vigil outside Dubbyuh's Texas hide-away waiting for answers from the president who sent her son to die for a cause now known to be false. WMD's were the casus beli, since shown to be nothing more than the product of cherry-picked, over spun and fabricated intel.
Apparently, Junior has better things to do than to provide an honest answer to Mrs. Sheehan, and the rest of the country. There's alot of brush to be cleared down there on the ranch, they must be flying in C-130's loaded with it, and Junior is simply too busy dealing with that critical issue. Instead, he sends a couple of underlings to speak with Mrs. Sheehan.
The other reason, and a far more likely one in my humble opinion, is that Junior is little more than a spineless worm who is all too willing to sacrifice others (especially if they can't afford the price tag that accompanies his pay to play administration) to achieve his goals. So, neither Mrs. Sheehan nor America can expect any answers from Junior or his playmates any time soon.