Monday, November 29, 2004

A parable for our times...

George W. Bush and the Republican party support state's rights and trust the wisdom of the voters...Except when states and voters views are contrary to his.

Earlier this month, John "Beaten-by-a-Dead-Man-and-don't-let-the-door-hit-your-sorry-ass-on-the-way-out" Ashcroft, resumed his efforts to undermine Oregon's death-with-dignity law. This law was passed by a majority not once, but twice.

Now the Justice Department is putting the screws to folks using marijuana for medical purposes. This in states, and there are 10 of 'em, where the use of the ol' wacky weed is legal for medical purposes. The case they're bearing down on now involves a woman with an inoperable brain tumor. Ya gotta wonder, with the threats facing America and the world today, don't they have anything better to do? They've had absolutely zero, zip, nada for successful prosecutions of those accused of terrorist activities in this country. The best they can do is try to justify the continued imprisonment, without charge, of some ex-gangbanger from Chicago who's guilty of nothing but an excess of stupidity.

Yeah, I feel alot safer knowin' them scofflaw medical marijuana users are behind bars.

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