Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A More Secure America?

I think not. Denny Hasturt has refused to bring the Intelligence Reform Bill to a vote. With the CIA in chaos due to Porter Goss' purge, we need solid, meaningful intelligence reform now, not a year from now.

But no...The House Reichpublican leadership is more interestd in turf wars and control of funding than they are in passing intelligence reform. While Dubbyuh has mouthed phrases of support for the bill, yet again, his actions fall far short of his words. Let us remember that Dubbyuh fought the formation of the 9/11 Commission tooth and nail, and he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to speak before it...This with Uncle Dick at his side telling him what to say. So, don't expect Dubbyuh to stand up and fight for intel reform.

Failure to pass these much needed reforms can be laid squarely upon the doorstep of the right-wing Reichpublican leadership. Their dedication to ideological purity over reality will be the undoing of us all.

So, contact your Representative and iform them of your displeasure, if not your being outright pissed-off, by their food dragging on this important issue.

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