Friday, February 10, 2006

Just when they thought they could forget about this turd in the punchbowl...

...Up it pops to the surface. The story, in the Feb 9th The New York Times tells the tale of Scooter Libby. Apparently, Scooter rolled on his for boss, Darth Cheney. He stated, under oath and before a grand jury, that he had permission from his "superiors" to leak calssified information in order to build support for Dubbyuh's dirty little war in Iraq. Coincidentaly enough, this was at about the same time he leaked Valerie Plame's name to Bob Novak. But then, there are no coincidences in politics, especially with the buch of vindictive bastards currently occupying the White House.

It requires no imagination at all to discern just who those "superiors" might be. The first one that comes to mind is...could it be?...DICK CHENEY! It simply boggles the mind. And the whole "Plamegate" episode has Turdblossom's fingerprints all over it, which is why he's still under the scrutiny of Patrick Fitzgerald.

With this revelation in Scooter's testimony, the possibility of Dick Vader being hauled into the dock to testify under oath seems very real. Although one simply can't imagine him making it past the couthouse metal detectors what with all of his artificial parts.

With the wheels coming off the Bush administrations cart, I can't help but feel a certain degree of schadefreud at their straights. I also feel a rather strong sense of outrage at a Congress which has failed to hold these sorry-assed rat-bastards accoutable for their crimes. But as Mark Twain said, so many years ago,

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.

Some things never change.

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