Monday, April 11, 2005

As I listened to Colin Powell read his essay "The America I Believe In", I know he loves his country. But that love took a backseat as he forswore his oath to support and defend the Constitution and as his misguided loyalty to a corrupt administration led him to attempt to justify war with Iraq before the United Nations. A war which, by any standard, was illegal and unjustified. But this did not stop Mr. Powell from plying the snake-oil the Bush administration was peddling to the world at large.

As the world has since seen, there were no weapons of mass destruction...There were no UAV's capable of delivering lethal bio-weapons beyond Iraq's borders let alone to Europe, as was claimed...There were no mobile bio-weapon labs. We only had to look to the pre-invasion reports from UNSCOM to verify this.

But this did not deter then Secretary of State Powell. He went where angels fear to tread and now we have over 1500 dead US troops with some 11,000 wounded and maimed men and women. So Mr. Powell, sleep well knowing what you have helped come to pass. Instead of doing the right thing and raising your voice in protest to the machinations of the Bush administration, you carried water for them. You share their guilt.

The America I Believe In

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