Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dubbyuh's political machine continues to rattle and clank its way across the country trying to prop up sagging support for his "Social Security Reform"...Read as: "Giveaway to Wall Street contributors". Part of this effort includes tax-payer funded "town hall" style meetings. Unfortunately all of the residents, who are tax-payers by the way, of the towns these meetings are held in don't have access to them. Instead, the attendees are carefully vetted by the local Republican Party apparatchiki for their loyalty to the party line. Local opposition is black-listed or ejected from the proceedings if they somehow find their way in.

Three Denver residents yesterday charged that they were forcibly removed from one of President Bush's town meetings on Social Security because they displayed a bumper sticker on their car condemning the administration's Middle East policies. - The Washington Post

In Fargo, N.D., where Bush held a Social Security event in February, a local newspaper reported that more than 40 residents were placed on a "black list" of people who were not to receive tickets because they had expressed opposition to Bush's policies. - The LA Times

With all of this orchestration, I can only wonder if they haven't re-animated the corpse of Leni Reifenstahl, and have her directing the campaign. Either than or they transplanted her brain into Karen Hughes' body.

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