Monday, January 31, 2005

The policies of Dubbyuh and Alberto repudiated...

It seems that prisoners in Guantanamo are indeed able to claim constitutional protections under the law. So much for secret military tribunals, indefinite detention without charge and lack of access to counsel.

U.S. Judge: Guantanamo Suspects Have Rights

By James Vicini

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge dealt a setback to the Bush administration and ruled on Monday that the Guantanamo Bay terrorism suspects can challenge their confinement and the procedures in their military tribunal review process are unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Joyce Hens Green said the prisoners at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have constitutional protections under U.S. law.

"The court concludes that the petitioners have stated valid claims under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution and that the procedures implemented by the government to confirm that the petitioners are 'enemy combatants' subject to indefinite detention violate the petitioners' rights to due process of law," Green wrote.

It's been one setback after another with regards to the administration's assertions regarding detainees and "enemy combatants". We have yet, however to hear a word of apology or admission of error on their part. But it's not likely that we will hear any such from this Administration. Their hubris is beyond belief, and will never permit them to admit that they have made mistakes...And that makes Dubbyuh and his merry band all the more dangerous. They cannot admit to error, so they will continue to make the same errors. And we see what their errors have bought us thus far.

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