Saturday, November 13, 2004

I know I feel safer...

Dubbyuh's disconnect from reality continues to grow. While 15,000 troops are slogging through Fallujah, the guerillas are striking at will throughout Iraq, Mosul has all but fallen to them...All this under a state of martial law declared by Iraq's puppet prime-minister. In Dubbyuh's little world, however, everything is absolutely peachy.

Dubbyuh and his merry band continue to underestimate the forces arrayed against our troops in Iraq, and their policies reflect that lack of understanding. But all those loyal Bushies voted for him. Now, despite the spectres of war, poverty, soaring healthcare costs, a crumbling social safety-net and budget deficits as far as the eye can see that still ahunt us, at least we are now safe from the horror of same-gender couples being able to have the same rights, benefits and responsibilities of straight married couples. I know I sleep easier at night.

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