Friday, November 19, 2004

Debate over Modern Uses of Torture

Why is this debate even occuring? Study after study has shown that torture provides no useful information, and serves no other purpose than to strike fear into a population targeted for torture.

Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Th Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed by the United States in 1948. Thus it has been the law of the land ever since. The Administration has willingly flouted its provisions. The administrations actions have left our own troops open to the same, or worse, treatment at the hands the enemy in the event of their capture.

The Bush administration abandoned the moral high-ground when it sought legal advice from Mr. Gonzales regarding the circumvention of the Geneva Convention and international law with regards to torture. Dubbyuh, and his merry band, have brought us down to the level of the terrorists, and the attrocities revealed at Abu Ghraib only served to fuel anti-American sentiment in the region. This, in turn, has provided Al Qaeda and similar organizations with throngs of new recruits willing to sacrifice their lives in an effort to drive the invaders from their soil.

We see the consequences, a barely contained Fallujah...Rebellion threatening to boil over in Mosul...Terrorists striking with impunity throughout Iraq, this despite a declaration of martial law. These are the bitter fruits of the Bush doctrine in Iraq, and the harvest has only begun.

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