Thursday, September 02, 2004


And they said they wouldn't use the memory of 9/11 for political ends...Did anyone really believe that fatuous lie? To say that the National Convention is manipulative is like saying Marcel Marceau was a little quiet.

Yes indeed folks the keynote for Tuesday night was "Never forget 9/11...", As if we could. But we were presented with a long string of speakers who reminded us of 9/11 with every breath.

And the evening was kicked off by John McCain (sellout) and Rudy Giulianni (adulterous dog), who are both also known for their courage and leadership...Two qualities Dubbyuh would like to have associated with him.

All in all this outpouring of beteiligt-geist has been most nauseating, and one can only hope these hypocritical fuckers are beaten like a gong come November and whipped naked and howling into the wilderness

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