Thursday, December 26, 2002

Yesterday, Dr. Rowan Williams made a blistering criticism of Tony Blair's and George "Howdy-Doody" Bush's drumbeat of war against Iraq. His speech was to have been broadcast just after midnight last night to co-incide with an appeal for peace in the Holy Land and the Middle-East by Pope John Paul II.

Follow the link:

for the full text of the article.

Further exerpts from his Christmas message can be found here:

It is a refreshing contrast to see the leaders of two of the world's great churches standing against the seemingly inevitable war in Iraq. It is a stark contrast to the Southern Baptist Convention here in the US, which is all in favor of bombing Iraq back into the stone-age, regardless of the cost. After all, they're just godless heathen over there. And besides, America is blessed by God, and George "Howdy-Doody" Bush is one of us. "Us" being white, wealthy, and giving only the most fleeting of lip-service to Christian ideals.

But we must remember that war with Iraq is not inevitable, and we the people must speak out to stop it before Howdy and his merry band take action unilaterally. Call, e-mail, snail-mail, do whatever you can to make your congressional representatives understand that the course being plotted by the adminstration is the wrong one. It is not too late...yet.

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